Inauguration of the House of the Tea-Chashitsu Ceremony

Inauguration of the House of the Tea-Chashitsu Ceremony

On a beautiful autumn afternoon, celebrating one more Anniversary of the Foundation of our city, we have inaugurated the House of the Tea-Chashitsu Ceremony, in the Japanese Association of Encarnacion.

A place that the Association offers the community to enjoy a thousand-year-old tradition of Japan. It was built thanks to the grant given to us by the Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA. With the presence of the Consul of Japan in Encarnacion Mr. Akira Ikarashi, Resident Representative of JICA in Py Mr. Yasushi Fukui, Deputy Resident Representative of JICA in Py Mrs. Emi Ikenoue; local authorities, members of the accredited and associated consular body. We thank JICA Py for the subsidy and Axyos Consultora for the work done.